Topics from A to Z

I have experience in the following areas:


Aluminium / artistic films / asbestos


Brochures / baby products / business letters / bioenergetic

stimulation / Botox


Carpets / contracts / commerce / CVs / culture / cosmetics /

construction materials / car wheels


Documentations / diplomas / diabetes / data protection


Education / Europe / environmental issues / employment / ethics /



Finance / film interviews / factory tours / film scripts




Health and social services / human resource management


Intercultural learning / image films


Literature / live subtitling


Menus / mailings / migration / medicine / mechanical engineering


Product specifications / photovoltaics / politics / psychomotricity /

protection of non-smokers


Quality standards


Renewable energies / real estate / readings


Speeches / sanitary installations / sustainability / subtitling / scientific



Tourism / tea / tender documents / timber industry / trade fairs


Violence prevention / vehicle insurances


Websites / welfare state / works committees


Youth policies / youth projects

 Katja Schulten

Konferenzdolmetscherin (M.A.),

Übersetzerin, Untertitlerin


Rufen Sie mich an oder schreiben Sie mir:

büro  0221 16 83 67 32



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D-50829 Köln

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