Excellent references

Satisfied clients and wide experience distinguish my work


When you are looking for an interpreter or want to order a translation, you expect the linguistic transmission between the languages to run smoothly. I ensure that the right message gets across to your clients. You can therefore be certain that your project is in good hands.




There is no better reference than a satisfied customer. To get an impression of the quality of my services, please refer to my clients' feedback under testimonials.



In the list of the topics from A to Z you will find detailed information on the fields of work I have experience in. From A as in aluminium to Y as in youth policies. 

 Katja Schulten

Konferenzdolmetscherin (M.A.),

Übersetzerin, Untertitlerin


Rufen Sie mich an oder schreiben Sie mir:

büro  0221 16 83 67 32

mail   info@rede-kunst.com 


Bertha-Sander-Straße 41

D-50829 Köln

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