Legal notice

Useful to know


The information given on this webpage complies with the German legal regulations for websites hosted in Germany. Please find below the translation of the "Impressum" (see the German version of this webpage) required by German law.



Responsible for the content of this site:


Katja Schulten

redekunst sprachenservice

Bertha-Sander-Str. 41

50829 Cologne



+49 221/16 83 67 32
mobile   +49 178/28 13 65 0

VAT identification number: DE268258109


Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:


The use of the contact data on this website by third parties for the pürpose of sending unsolicited information is prohibited. The design, concept and content of the website are subject to copyright. The duplication of text fragments, illustrations or photos is prohibited.


My business activities are covered by a professional liability insurance at Dialog Versicherung AG, Adenauerring 7, 81737 Munich, Germany (for Europe) and a professional indemnity insurance at Markel Insurance SE, Sophienstraße 26, 80333 Munich, Germany (for all countries, with restrictions for the USA and Canada).



Design and editing: Diane Russek, [designkomplett]

Photo: Miriam Völker-Gröning

 Katja Schulten

Konferenzdolmetscherin (M.A.),

Übersetzerin, Untertitlerin


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